Lecture 3,Sections 1.10-1.13: orthonormal vectors, outer products, Dirac notation, the adjoint of a linear operator,
also on YouTube.
Lecture 4Sections 1.14-1.20, Self-adjoint or hermitian operators; real, symmetric linear operators; unitary operators; Hilbert spaces; antilinear, antiunitary operators; symmetry in quantum mechanics; determinants; and the inverse of a matrix.
also on YouTube.
Lecture 5,Sections 1.20-1.25: determinants, inverse of a matrix, linear equations, linear least squares, Lagrange multipliers, eigenvectors, eigenvectors of a square matrix,
also on YouTube.
Lecture 6,Sections 1.25-1.28: Eigenvectors of a square matrix, a matrix obeys its characteristic equation, functions of matrices, hermitian matrices.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 7, Sections 1.28-1.31: Hermitian matrices, normal matrices, compatible normal matrices, the singular-value decomposition.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 8,
Sections 1.30-1.34: Compatible normal matrices, the singular-value decomposition, the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, the rank of a matrix, software,
also on YouTube.
Lecture 9,Sections 2.1-2.7: Complex Fourier series, the interval, where to put the 2pi's, real Fourier series for real functions, stretched intervals, Fourier series in several variables, how Fourier series converge.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 10,sections
2.7-2.8: How Fourier series converge, quantum-mechanical examples.
also on YouTube.
Lecture 11,Sections 2.8-2.10 and 3.1: Quantum-mechanical examples, Dirac notation, Dirac's delta function, and the Fourier transform,
also on YouTube.
Lecture 12, sections 3.1-3.3: Fourier transforms, the Fourier transform of a real function, some results due to Dirac, Parseval, and Poisson,
also on YouTube.
Lecture 13,sections 3.3-3.6: Some results due to Dirac, Parseval, and Poisson, derivatives and integrals of Fourier transforms, Fourier transforms of functions of several variables, convolutions.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 14, sections
3.6-3.13 Convolutions, the Fourier transform of a convolution, Fourier transforms and Green's functions, Laplace transforms, derivatives and integrals of Laplace transforms, Laplace transforms and differential equations, inversion of Laplace transforms, applications to differential equations.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 15, sections 4.1-4.9, Convergence, tests of convergence, convergent series of functions, power series, factorials and the gamma function, Taylor series, Fourier series as power series, the binomial series and theorem, logarithmic series.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 16,sections
4.10-4.12 and 5.1-5.3: Dirichlet series and the zeta function,
Bernoulli numbers and polynomials, asymptotic series,
analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 17,sections 5.3-5.10: Cauchy's integral formula, the Cauchy-Riemann conditions, harmonic functions, Taylor series for analytic functions, Cauchy's inequality, Liouville's theorem, the fundamental theorem of algebra, Laurent series
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 18,
sections 5.10-5.13: Laurent series, singularities, analytic continuation, the calculus of residues.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 19,
sections 5.13-5.14: The calculus of residues and ghost contours.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 20,
sections 5.14-5.16: Ghost contours, logarithms and cuts, powers and roots.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 21,
sections 5.17-5.19: Conformal mapping, Cauchy's principal value, dispersion relations.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 22,
sections 5.19-5.22 and 6.1: Kramers-Kronig relations, phase and group velocities, the method of steepest descent, and ordinary linear differential equations.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 23,
sections 6.1-6.5: Ordinary linear differential equations; linear partial differential equations; gradient, divergence, and curl; separable partial differential equations.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 24,
sections 6.5--6.8: Separable partial differential equations, wave equations, first-order differential equations, separable first-order differential equations.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 25,
sections 6.8--6.16: Separable first-order differential equations, hidden separability, exact first-order differential equations, the meaning of exactness, integrating factors, homogeneous functions, the virial theorem, homogeneous first-order ordinary differential equations, linear first-order ordinary differential equations.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 26,
sections 6.16--6.19: Linear first-order ordinary differential
equations, systems of differential equations, singular points of
second-order ordinary differential equations, Frobenius's series
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 27,
sections 6.20--6.27: Fuch's theorem, even and odd differential operators, why not three solutions? boundary conditions, a variational problem, self-adjoint differential operators.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 28,
sections 6.27-6.33: Self-adjoint differential operators, self-adjoint differential systems, making operators formally self adjoint, wronskians of self-adjoint operators, first-order self-adjoint differential operators, a constrained variational problem, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of self-adjoint systems.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 29,
sections 6.33-6.38, 6.40, and 8.1-8.9: Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
of self-adjoint systems, unboundedness of eigenvalues, completeness of
eigenfunctions, the inequalities of Bessel and Schwarz, Green's
functions, eigenfunctions and Green's functions, nonlinear
differential equations, the Legendre polynomials, the Rodrigues
formula, the generating function, Legendre's differential equation,
recurrence relations, special values of Legendre's polynomials,
Schlaefli's integral, orthogonal polynomials, the azimuthally
symmetric laplacian.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 30,
sections 8.9-8.13 and 9.1: The azimuthally symmetric laplacian,
Laplace's equation in two dimensions, Helmholtz's equation in
spherical coordinates, the associated Legendre functions/polynomials,
spherical harmonics, Bessel functions of the first kind.
Also on YouTube.
Lecture 31, sections 9.1-9.4:
Bessel functions of the first kind, spherical Bessel functions of the
first kind, Bessel functions of the second kind, spherical Bessel
functions of the second kind. Also on YouTube.
Here are some of the videos of the lectures
of fall 2009
1: linear algebra up to linear independence.
2: dimension of a vector space, inner and outer
products, and Dirac notation.
3: laser demo on polarization vectors, identity
operators, vectors and their components, linear operators
and their matrix elements, determinants.
4: determinants, systems of linear equations,
eigenvectors and eigenvalues, the adjoint of a linear
operator, hermitian operators, unitary operators,
anti-unitary and anti-linear operators, Wigner's theorem
on symmetry in quantum mechanics, eigenvalues of a square
5: eigenvalues of a square matrix, functions of
matrices, hermitian matrices.
6: hermitian matrices, normal matrices, determinant
of a normal matrix, tricks with Dirac notation, compatible
normal matrices.
7: compatible normal matrices, a matrix satisfies
its characteristic equation, the singular-value
Lecture 8: Part
2: applications of the singular-value decomposition,
LAPACK, the rank of a matrix, the tensor or direct
product, density operators.
9: on tensor products, density operators,
correlation functions, groups, and complex Fourier series.
10: on the Fourier series for \( \exp(-m |x|) \),
real Fourier series, the Fourier series for x, complex and
real Fourier series for an interval of length L.
11: on Fourier series in several variables, the
convergence of Fourier series, and quantum-mechanical
12: on quantum-mechanical examples, the harmonic
oscillator, non-relativistic strings, periodic boundary
conditions, and the transition to the Fourier transform.
13: on the transition to the Fourier transform, the
Fourier transform of a gaussian and of a real function, a
representation of the delta-function, Parseval's identity,
derivatives of a Fourier transform, and momentum and
momentum space.
14: on the uncertainty principle, Fourier transforms
in several variables, application to differential
equations, Fick's law, and diffusion.
15: on the wave equation, diffusion, convolutions,
Gauss's law, and the magnetic vector potential.
16: on the Fourier transform of a convolution,
finding Green's functions, Laplace transforms, examples of
Laplace transforms, how to measure the lifetime of a
fluorophore, differentiation and integration of Laplace
transforms, inverting Laplace transforms, convergence of
infinite series, tests of convergence, series of
functions, uniform convergence, the Riemann zeta function,
and power series.
17: on power series, the geometric series, the
exponential series, factorials and the Gamma function,
Taylor series, Fourier series, the binomial theorem, the
binomial coefficient, double factorials, the logarithmic
series, Bernoulli numbers and polynomials, the Lerch
transcendent, asymptotic series, and the exponential
18: on dielectrics, analytic functions, Cauchy's
integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, the
Cauchy-Riemann conditions, and harmonic functions.
19: on the Cauchy-Riemann conditions and the contour
integral of a general function, harmonics functions,
applications to two-dimensional electrostatics, Earnshaw's
theorem, Taylor series, and Cauchy's inequality.
20: on Cauchy's inequality, Liouville's theorem, the
fundamental theorem of algebra, Laurent series, poles,
essential singularities, and the calculus of residues.
Lecture 21 Part
2: on the calculus of residues, ghost contours,
third-harmonic microscopy, and several examples of the use
of ghost contours.
22: on logarithms, cuts, roots, contour integrals
around cuts, Cauchy's principal value, i-epsilon rules,
and application to Feynman's propagator.