Quantum Mechanics II
522.004 (CRN 36885)
Syllabus: Angular momentum, the hydrogen
atom, time-independent perturbation theory, time-dependent
perturbation theory, identical particles, helium, the
hydrogen molecule, scattering
theory, quantization of the electromagnetic field, the
interaction of photons with atoms, the Dirac equation, quantization
of the electron-positron field, neutrinos and their oscillations.
Because the students of 521 have purchased Messiah's two-volume
treatise on quantum mechanics, the textbook for the course will
be volume 2 of Messiah.
There are better books, however. Four of them are Quantum Mechanics by
Cohen-Tannoudji, et
al., Modern
Quantum Mechanics by
Sakurai, Quantum
Physics by Le
Bellac, and Quantum
Mechanics (non-relativistic theory) by Landau
and Lifshitz.
Grades will be based exclusively upon the homework.
Mr. Hannes Schenck is the grader: and room
1144 in the northwest wing.
My e-mail address is You may reach me at 277-5318
and at 204-5448. I am available most afternoons and evenings.
Classes meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:45 PM
in room 184.
Here are some of my notes on quantum mechanics:
Here's a video
of the demonstration of the Lie algebra of the rotation group, which is
described in the notes on rotations.
Homework 1 due on 9
February: do these problems. Solutions.
Homework 2 due on 18
Feb: do these problems. Solutions.
3 due on 23 March: do these problems.
Homework 4 due on 8 April: do these problems. Solutions.
Homework 5 due on 22
April: do these problems. Solutions.
Homework 6 due on May 6th: do these problems. Solutions.
Homework 7 due on May
13th: do these problems. Solutions.
- Video of lecture of 26 Jan. 2009 on the Lie
algebra of the rotation group SO(3).
- Video
of lecture of 28 Jan. 2009 on
matrix elements of angular-momentum operators and on orbital angular
momentum in spherical coordinates.
- Video
of lecture of 2 Feb. 2009 on why
massless particles have only two spin states instead of the 2j+1 that massive particles have
and on the addition of angular momenta. Please ignore three
instances of "0 =" near the end of this lecture.
- Video of
lecture of 4 Feb. 2009 on 2x2 and 3x3
rotation matrices, on examples of adding angular momenta: adding two j=1/2 angular momenta and adding
two j = 1 angular
momenta, on isospin, and on two examples of the use of isospin:
the deuteron and nucleon-nucleon scattering.
- Video of lecture
of 9 Feb. 2009 on
adding L + S, the two-body
problem, and central potentials.
- Video of lecture
of 11 Feb. 2009 on central potentials and the hydrogen atom.
- Video of lecture
of 16 Feb. 2009 on the hydrogen atom, on the action and hamiltonian of
a relativistic charged particle in an electromagnetic field, and on a
hydrogen atom in a magnetic field.
- Video of lecture
of 18 Feb. 2009 on a hydrogen atom in a static magnetic field and in a
static electric field, on first-order perturbation theory, and on the
linear Stark effect.
- Video of lecture
of 23 Feb. 2009 on higher-order, non-degenerate perturbation theory.
- Video of lecture
of 25 Feb. 2009 on higher-order degenerate perturbation theory.
- Video of lecture of 9
March 2009 on a better way of doing higher-order degenerate-state
perturbation theory and on the spin-orbit effect in alkali atoms.
- Video of lecture of 11
March 2009 on identical particles.
- Video of lecture of 23
March 2009 on identical particles, atoms, the variational method, and
- Video of lecture of 25
March 2009 on helium and potential scattering.
- Video of lecture of 30
March 2009 on potential scattering.
- Video of 1 April 2009
on partial waves and the optical theorem.
- Video of lecture of 6
April 2009 on the scattering of identical particles, Glauber's eikonal
approximation, and the Lippmann-Schwinger formalism.
- Video of lecture of 8
April 2009 on absorptive scattering, the optical theorem, scattering
off a square well and a hard sphere, poles in the s-wave S-matrix
element, and bound states.
- Video of lecture of 13
April 2009 on time-dependent perturbation theory, the time-energy
uncertainty principle, and Fermi's golden rule.
- Video of lecture of 15
April 2009 on the quantization of the electromagnetic field.
- Video of lecture of 20
April 2009 on the x-section for the absorption of a photon by a
hydrogen atom.
- Video of lecture of 22
April 2009 on spontaneous emission and the lifetime of the 2p state of atomic hydrogen.
- Video of lecture of 27
April 2009 on the hamiltonian of free, vacuum QED and the ionization of
atomic hydrogen.
- Video of lecture of 29
April 2009 on Thomson scattering.
- Video of lecture of 4
May 2009 on how creation and annihilation operators are related to the
quantum mechanics of identical particles, on Thomson scattering, and on
Rayleigh scattering.
- Video of lecture of 6
May 2009 on Rayleigh scattering.
- Video of lecture of 11
May 2009 on QED and Compton scattering.
- Video of lecture of 13
May 2009 on Compton scattering.
- Part 2 of same video on
Compton scattering and other QED processes.