Physics 500.005 (29960):
a seminar on biophysics and medicine.
The class will meet
at 3:00 pm on Thursdays in room 1131.
Kevin Cahill
gave the first talk on miRNAs, on a Nature article
that showed that miRNAs act mainly by stimulating the degradation of
mRNAs, and on tip's, which are transmissible interfering particles.
Keith Lidke
gave the second talk on this paper.
seminar on Monday 9/13 was the third talk.
The seminar of
9/23 will be a talk by Dr. Alex Mogilner, University of California at
Davis, on Tuesday, September 21, at 4:00 p.m. in the Harvey Library
(BMSB 309). Title: "Speed and Accuracy of Mitotic
Spindle Assembly."
Kevin Cahill
will talk about statistics on 9/30 at 3 pm.
Julian Antolin
and Steven Posse will give the seminar of 10/7 at 3 o'clock in room
1131. Title: "An Overview of Compressed Sensing with Application
to MR Imaging."
The talk of
10/21 will be "Integrin nanodomains on leukocyte cell membranes" by
Maria F.
Garcia-Parajo of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia on Tuesday,
Harvey (BMSB 309) at
4:00 p.m.
Kevin Cahill gave an introduction to protein folding
as the 10/28 seminar.
The talk of
11/4 will be "A Singular View of the Genome" by David C. Schwartz,
Professor of Chemistry and Genetics, University of Wisconsin, in Rm.
B16 of the Domenici Center (corner of Marble and Stanford, North
Campus) on Thursday, November 4th at 3:00pm.
Steve Koch
will talk on November 11th at 3 pm on "Water Isotope Effects on the
Biomolecular Motor Kinesin."
The talk of 11/18 will be by Patrick Cutler
on hyperspectral single-molecule localization (pdf)
on Thursday, November
18th at 3:00 pm in room 1131.
Professor Malgorzata Marjanska of the Center for Magnetic Resonance
Research of the University of Minnesota will give this week's
biophysics seminar on Thursday at 3 pm in room 1131. Her title is
"Hyperpolarized 13C spectroscopy in rat
The last
biophysics seminar of this semester on Thursday 9 December at
3:00 pm in room 1131 will be Keith
Lidke talking about Hoyer's paper Quantum
Dot Blueing and Blinking Enables Fluorescence Nanoscopy and Kevin
Cahill talking about the electrostatics of the lipid bilayer of
eucaryotic cells.