Physics 467
notes in pdf form.
See chapter 13 for my notes on the binomial, Poisson, and gaussian
To view a video of one of the lectures, you should download its wmv
file to your computer and view it there.
Video of first lecture on group theory.
Video of second lecture on group theory.
Video of third lecture on group theory.
Video of fourth lecture on group theory.
Video of fifth lecture on group theory:
structure constants, the
Jacobi identity, and the adjoint representation.
Video of sixth lecture on group theory:
SU(3) and quarks, the classical and exceptional groups, the
standard model of particle physics.
of first lecture on tensors: points and coordinate systems,
contravariant and covariant vectors, special relativity.
Video of second lecture on tensors:
Lorentz transformations, muon cosmic rays, tensors, tensor equations,
the quotient rule.
Video of third lecture on tensors: the
metric tensor, covariant derivatives, Christoffel symbols.
Video of fourth lecture on tensors:
the covariant curl, the covariant derivative of the metric tensor, the
divergence of a contravariant vector, the laplacian
Videos of first and
second parts of fifth lecture on tensors:
equations of motion of particles in electromagnetic and gravitational
fields, and in weak static gravitational fields,
gravitational time dilation, the Pound-Rebka experiment,
curvature, Einstein's equations, Schwarzschild's
solution, and black holes.
Video of a lecture on gauge theory:
abelian and nonabelian gauge theory, the standard model.
Video of lecture on strings and finance:
the problem of infinities in quantum field theory, the
Nambu-Goto action, Dp-branes
and why we don't see the extra dimensions, and some advice on trading
Course description.
My e-mail address is
My cell phone is 205 5448.
Xuefeng Zhang is the
Srinivasa Ramanujan's
approximation for the natural logarithm of n! is better than
First homework
assignment: Show that the variance of the binomial distribution is
pqN. Show that the solution of the diffusion equation satisfies
that equation. Take the Poisson limit of the gaussian
distribution. Use Ramanujan's formula to cast the binomial
distribution into a form without factorials.
Solutions to the first set of homework
Second homework assignment: do all these
Solutions to the second set of homework
Ott's introduction to chaos.
Handwritten notes on
integrable systems. Ott's discussion of hamiltonian
Third homework assignment: do all the problems at the end of the
chapter (2) on group theory in the class notes.
Solutions to the third set of homework
Chapters 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.1,
10.2, and 14
of The Structure of
Economics: A Mathematical Analysis by E. Silberberg and W. Suen
(McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York US, third edition,
2001. ISBN: 9780072343526). This textbook is wordy with
elementary mathematics.